Biography: James Otis

Karla News

James Otis is one of the Boston men who helped stoke the fires of revolution during the 1760s. In fact, some people may say that he is the man who lit the fire. He is not as well known and he was not as prolific in his speeches and political work as many of his … Read more


Shopping & Fashion

Top 5 Women’s Trail Running Shoes

Karla News

Trail running consists of an entirely different terrain than regular road running, which is more stressful on the feet. The shoes that are generally used for trail running are lower to the ground than traditional running shoes and offer a more rigid support, with less cushioning. The shoes have to have increased rubber or plastic … Read more


Tips for Lighting a Shop or Garage

Karla News

So, you either have a garage or workshop but it’s poorly lit. Perhaps your still using one bulb in the center of the garage or shop that was put in when it was built. Here are a few tips on improving the lighting within your shop. The simplest idea is obvious, an extension cord with … Read more